Frequently Asked Questions
On this page
Can I renew checkouts?
Books may be renewed either in person, online via the catalog or by telephone. Books may be renewed up to three times, if they are not on reserve for another patron. DVD’s may be renewed once. If the library is closed, patrons may return materials through the book return on Oak Street, or may return through the slot in the front door (Main Street entrance).
Books may be renewed either in person, online via the catalog or by telephone. Books may be renewed up to three times, if they are not on reserve for another patron. DVD’s may be renewed once. If the library is closed, patrons may return materials through the book return on Oak Street, or may return through the slot in the front door (Main Street entrance).
How do I know if the Library has the book I want?
You can visit: OPAC to search our catalog online, or you can give us a call and we'll look for you. If we don't have it, you can either submit a request (though requests aren't guaranteed to be filled) or, see if we have it as an eBook.
Even after checking OPAC, you may want to give us a call to make sure the book is on the shelf, and to make sure we can hold it for you.
You can visit: OPAC to search our catalog online, or you can give us a call and we'll look for you. If we don't have it, you can either submit a request (though requests aren't guaranteed to be filled) or, see if we have it as an eBook.
Even after checking OPAC, you may want to give us a call to make sure the book is on the shelf, and to make sure we can hold it for you.
Can I use a computer?
The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library has computers for public use. Computers may be accessed with a photo I.D. up to three times a year, or with a Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library card as often as available.
*For minors (18-)
**Unless a consent form is signed, minors of any age must be supervised by an adult while using the computers**
Minors may use their card or their grown-up's card to sign into the computers. If neither the grown-up nor the child has a card, the grown-up's ID may be used up to three times a year for the child to sign in.
The grown-up must be present the entire time if using the grown-up's card or ID.
Children 11 and under must be supervised by a grown up at all times.
Note: Computers are for individual use. If you bring an adult guest with you, they may look but not touch. If they would like to use a computer, they must have their OWN I.D. or Library card.
See Internet Access Policies.
The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library has computers for public use. Computers may be accessed with a photo I.D. up to three times a year, or with a Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library card as often as available.
*For minors (18-)
**Unless a consent form is signed, minors of any age must be supervised by an adult while using the computers**
Minors may use their card or their grown-up's card to sign into the computers. If neither the grown-up nor the child has a card, the grown-up's ID may be used up to three times a year for the child to sign in.
The grown-up must be present the entire time if using the grown-up's card or ID.
Children 11 and under must be supervised by a grown up at all times.
Note: Computers are for individual use. If you bring an adult guest with you, they may look but not touch. If they would like to use a computer, they must have their OWN I.D. or Library card.
See Internet Access Policies.
Is there free wi-fi?
The library provides wireless access inside & outside the Tupper Lightfoot Library building during regular business hours.
Our current password is: BOOKLEAF
The library provides wireless access inside & outside the Tupper Lightfoot Library building during regular business hours.
Our current password is: BOOKLEAF
What are the Library's Prices?
Prices Subject to Change
$1 min. transaction for card use
Prices Subject to Change
$1 min. transaction for card use
Cost for Guests and Patrons
- Faxing
- Fax Sent - $1.00 processing fee, $1.00 per each additional page.
No fee for Library Cover Page - Fax Received - $0.25 per page. Please send incoming faxes to (334) 735-2147
- Fax Sent - $1.00 processing fee, $1.00 per each additional page.
- Scanning (PDF to email) - $0.10 per page
- Laminating- $0.50 per laminating sheet
- Copies/Prints - Pages printed front and back count as two copies
- Tabloid (11x17) – $0.30 BnW, $0.50 Color
- Legal (8.5x14) – $0.30 BnW, $0.50 Color
- Cardstock (8.5x11) – $0.30 BnW, $0.50 Color
- DEFAULT - Copy (8.5x11) – $0.15 BnW, $0.25 Color
Other Services
Cost for City Employees, Board Members, Friends of the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library
Note: Most printing requires computer access. See "Can I use a Computer" above.
Some documents can be emailed to [email protected] to be printed by staff. Please ask staff before emailing.
Some documents can be emailed to [email protected] to be printed by staff. Please ask staff before emailing.
How do I get access to eBooks?
Follow this link to get to the log in page for the Camellia Net Consortium, which provides over 25,000 titles of ebooks, audiobooks and some streaming video.
Sign in by choosing the Brundidge Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library from the list.
Then, use your library id (numbers beneath barcode on back of library card) and last name, lower case, to log in.
Help with getting Ebooks on different devices can be found at
If you're having issues signing in, your card may need updating. Contact the Library for assistance.
Follow this link to get to the log in page for the Camellia Net Consortium, which provides over 25,000 titles of ebooks, audiobooks and some streaming video.
Sign in by choosing the Brundidge Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library from the list.
Then, use your library id (numbers beneath barcode on back of library card) and last name, lower case, to log in.
Help with getting Ebooks on different devices can be found at
If you're having issues signing in, your card may need updating. Contact the Library for assistance.
How do I become a volunteer?
Volunteers are always such a huge help to the Library. While during slower times we may not need as much help, we always appreciate the offer, especially since some training is necessary and it's better to do outside the busy months.
Volunteers are expected to keep notes, follow instructions from all staff, and always appear professional and polite.
Adult Volunteers (19+)
Our adult volunteers help with various tasks around the library, such as:
Teen Volunteers (14+)
Our teen volunteers help with various tasks around the library, such as:
See Ms. Garneshia to apply.
Volunteers are always such a huge help to the Library. While during slower times we may not need as much help, we always appreciate the offer, especially since some training is necessary and it's better to do outside the busy months.
Volunteers are expected to keep notes, follow instructions from all staff, and always appear professional and polite.
Adult Volunteers (19+)
Our adult volunteers help with various tasks around the library, such as:
- Assisting with computers
- Marketing and public relations
- Assisting with adult programs and fundraisers
- Shelving resources (read and organize shelves)
- Checking inventory
- Processing materials
- Tending to the circulation desk (money to be handled by staff only)
- Keeping the library clean
Teen Volunteers (14+)
Our teen volunteers help with various tasks around the library, such as:
- Assisting with computers
- Marketing and public relations
- Assisting with children's programs
- Shelving resources (read and organize shelves)
- Checking inventory
- Processing materials
- Tutoring Children
- Tending to the circulation desk (money to be handled by staff only)
- Keeping the library clean
See Ms. Garneshia to apply.
How do I reserve a meeting room?
The Library's meeting room has a table and six chairs (more chairs can be brought in, space dictating).
The meeting room may be reserved for clubs, study groups, private video calls, etc..
To schedule, please contact [email protected]
The Library's meeting room has a table and six chairs (more chairs can be brought in, space dictating).
The meeting room may be reserved for clubs, study groups, private video calls, etc..
To schedule, please contact [email protected]
What's the Friends group? How do I join?
The Friends of Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library is 501c3 group formed to support the Library. Friends members meet twice a year, hold fundraisers at Christmas, the Peanut Butter Festival, and as members see fit, and volunteer at Library programs as members are available. Fundraisers are used to boost Library programs and to provide scholarships for Library volunteers.
Please see current Friends President, Rebecca Brooks, to apply and find out when the next meeting is.
The Friends of Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library is 501c3 group formed to support the Library. Friends members meet twice a year, hold fundraisers at Christmas, the Peanut Butter Festival, and as members see fit, and volunteer at Library programs as members are available. Fundraisers are used to boost Library programs and to provide scholarships for Library volunteers.
Please see current Friends President, Rebecca Brooks, to apply and find out when the next meeting is.
How accessible is the Library for people with disabilities?
The Library is doing its best to make services accessible for ALL patrons. If there's something different we can be doing, please let us know! Below you can find ways we're currently accessible:
The Library is doing its best to make services accessible for ALL patrons. If there's something different we can be doing, please let us know! Below you can find ways we're currently accessible:
- Large Print titles can be found throughout the adult sections, just look for LP on the book spine, or ask staff for assistance.
- Magnifying Glasses are available for checkout or in-house use.
- Audiobooks are available for check out, both on discs and through the Libby app.
- Disability Access Parking can be found at the Oak Street Entrance.
- Ramps are located at both main entrances.
- Our ease of access computer is at an adjustable wheelchair accessible desk with an ergonomic chair. Text size is adjustable, and the keyboard is large print, yellow contrasted, with braille stickers. Headphones are available upon request, and Windows 10 comes with a built in screen reader and Dictation (Speech to Text).
- Library shelves and doorways are a minimum of three feet apart to allow wheelchair access.
- The Library has recently received a VideoPhone with Video Relay Service (VRS) through Sorenson and the TRS fund. The VideoPhone is designed so deaf and hearing impaired individuals can make phone calls through a sign language translation service. Hearing individuals who know sign may also use the Video Phone for end-to-end calls, but may not use the VRS.
- The Library is in the process of adopting a Service Animal Policy. While not approved yet, you can view the draft below.

draft_--_addendum_to_code_of_conduct--service_animals.pdf |
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Does the Library notarize?
A. We don't. We recommend checking with your bank or City Hall.
Q. Does the Library have a public phone?
A. We do not. Our phone is for staff use or emergencies only. In the case of an emergency, Library Staff must make the phone call.
We cannot make calls for patrons otherwise.
Q. What's my OPAC/Libby login?
A. Your username is your library card number, and your password is your last name in lowercase.
Q. I got a new card but my Libby/Overdrive holds were on my old one. Can I fix this?
A. We can merge your old Libby/Overdrive activity with your new card! Just give us a call and let us know that you want it done.
Q. I need to print but have trouble with computers/don't remember my login, etc. Can I send my print straight to the printer from my phone?
A. Short answer: No, our printer is on a private network so it can only be accessed from Library computers.
HOWEVER, if you are signed into your email on your phone and already have the print downloaded, you can email your print to [email protected] and a staff member can print it off for you. PDF files are ideal for printing.
Please do not send any sensitive documents, and please be clear on how you want your document printed (paper size, number of copies, black and white, etc.). If you need anything special done with your document, such as adding text to it before printing, you will have to sign into a computer and do so yourself.
Q. Someone emailed me a document to sign. How can I sign it and email it back?
Unless it's through a program such as DocuSign or you have access to another digital signature program such as Adobe Online, you will need to *print your document, sign it, and *scan it back to email. See Library Prices above.*
Q. Can I have my fax sent to the Library to pick up? What's your fax number?
(334) 735-2147. Please see fax prices above before sending. If you contact us with your name and phone number, we can call you once your fax is received.
Q. I left my card at home. Can I still check out a book?
A. You can use your I.D. to access your account up to three times a year.
Q. I don't have a card yet. Can I still check out books or use a computer?
A. You can use your I.D. to access the computers up to three times a year (see computer use above).
You can read books inside the Library, but you can't check them out.
Q. How can I find out what's happening at the Library without checking your social media frequently?
You can join our mailing list for our newsletter! Contact [email protected] to join our email list, or [email protected] to join our snail-mail list.
Q. How long can I have my items out for? What if they're late?
A. Books may be checked out for two weeks, and DVDs three days (only adults may check out DVDs). You can find your due date on the paper slip on the inside page or back of the item.
If items are late, there's a .10 a-day-per-item overdue fee for books, and 1.00 a day for DVDs. If items are overdue for 60 days or more, they're automatically marked lost and a fee is charged for the price of the item.
Don't forget, you can extend your check out by calling and renewing! See "Can I Renew Checkouts" above.
Some patron classes, such as Teachers and Friends of the Library, receive extended checkouts. See staff for details.
Q. I checked out a book and accidentally damaged it. What now?
A. If it's a small amount of damage that can be easily repaired, such as a small tear in the cover, our staff will fix it no problem. If it's a large amount of damage or liquid damage, such as the book was dropped in water or your dog got ahold of it, you'll need to pay to replace the book.
Note: we do not accept duplicate copies to replace damaged items.
Q. Does the Library sell office supplies, like envelopes and folders?
A. We do not. We only sell what's listed in our prices above.
Q. Can Library Staff type something up for me?
A. We cannot, but we can get you set up on a word document so you can type. If you need help figuring things out, we can talk you through it.
Q. Can I use the Library computers for *anything*?
A. So long as what you're doing is legal, doesn't violate our policies, and isn't blocked by our firewall.
Our computers can be used for online shopping, job applications, movie watching, and more.
We do stress internet safety, and recommend never going to or entering personal information on untrustworthy websites.
Q. I don't know how to use a computer/phone very well. Can I get assistance?
A. Our staff will do our best to talk you through things and help you learn!
We are here to assist ALL patrons however, so we can only help as time permits, and cannot use the computer for you.
If you need someone to use the computer for you, we suggest bringing a family member (See Can I Use a Computer Above)
Q. I used up my three I.D. uses for the year, got a new Library card, then lost it. What are my options?
A. Upon Library card sign up and/or purchase of a replacement card, your three I.D. uses for the year refresh.
Q. Does the Library sell transfer paper?
A. Not yet, but we're looking into it. Please contact us if you have an interest.
Q. How do I sign up for a Library card?
A. Visit this page for details.
Q. Can I burn/play DVDs/CDs at the Library?
A. Our computers are equipped with disc drives that play both DVDs and CDs. If you would like to burn a disc, we have external DVD-RW drives that can be used with Library computers. You must have copyright to the files you're burning.
Q. Can I bring my own paper to print on?
A. No, we're sorry, we can only print on paper that the Library purchases and offers. We do have letter, legal, and tabloid plain paper, as well as letter sized cardstock.
A. We don't. We recommend checking with your bank or City Hall.
Q. Does the Library have a public phone?
A. We do not. Our phone is for staff use or emergencies only. In the case of an emergency, Library Staff must make the phone call.
We cannot make calls for patrons otherwise.
Q. What's my OPAC/Libby login?
A. Your username is your library card number, and your password is your last name in lowercase.
Q. I got a new card but my Libby/Overdrive holds were on my old one. Can I fix this?
A. We can merge your old Libby/Overdrive activity with your new card! Just give us a call and let us know that you want it done.
Q. I need to print but have trouble with computers/don't remember my login, etc. Can I send my print straight to the printer from my phone?
A. Short answer: No, our printer is on a private network so it can only be accessed from Library computers.
HOWEVER, if you are signed into your email on your phone and already have the print downloaded, you can email your print to [email protected] and a staff member can print it off for you. PDF files are ideal for printing.
Please do not send any sensitive documents, and please be clear on how you want your document printed (paper size, number of copies, black and white, etc.). If you need anything special done with your document, such as adding text to it before printing, you will have to sign into a computer and do so yourself.
Q. Someone emailed me a document to sign. How can I sign it and email it back?
Unless it's through a program such as DocuSign or you have access to another digital signature program such as Adobe Online, you will need to *print your document, sign it, and *scan it back to email. See Library Prices above.*
Q. Can I have my fax sent to the Library to pick up? What's your fax number?
(334) 735-2147. Please see fax prices above before sending. If you contact us with your name and phone number, we can call you once your fax is received.
Q. I left my card at home. Can I still check out a book?
A. You can use your I.D. to access your account up to three times a year.
Q. I don't have a card yet. Can I still check out books or use a computer?
A. You can use your I.D. to access the computers up to three times a year (see computer use above).
You can read books inside the Library, but you can't check them out.
Q. How can I find out what's happening at the Library without checking your social media frequently?
You can join our mailing list for our newsletter! Contact [email protected] to join our email list, or [email protected] to join our snail-mail list.
Q. How long can I have my items out for? What if they're late?
A. Books may be checked out for two weeks, and DVDs three days (only adults may check out DVDs). You can find your due date on the paper slip on the inside page or back of the item.
If items are late, there's a .10 a-day-per-item overdue fee for books, and 1.00 a day for DVDs. If items are overdue for 60 days or more, they're automatically marked lost and a fee is charged for the price of the item.
Don't forget, you can extend your check out by calling and renewing! See "Can I Renew Checkouts" above.
Some patron classes, such as Teachers and Friends of the Library, receive extended checkouts. See staff for details.
Q. I checked out a book and accidentally damaged it. What now?
A. If it's a small amount of damage that can be easily repaired, such as a small tear in the cover, our staff will fix it no problem. If it's a large amount of damage or liquid damage, such as the book was dropped in water or your dog got ahold of it, you'll need to pay to replace the book.
Note: we do not accept duplicate copies to replace damaged items.
Q. Does the Library sell office supplies, like envelopes and folders?
A. We do not. We only sell what's listed in our prices above.
Q. Can Library Staff type something up for me?
A. We cannot, but we can get you set up on a word document so you can type. If you need help figuring things out, we can talk you through it.
Q. Can I use the Library computers for *anything*?
A. So long as what you're doing is legal, doesn't violate our policies, and isn't blocked by our firewall.
Our computers can be used for online shopping, job applications, movie watching, and more.
We do stress internet safety, and recommend never going to or entering personal information on untrustworthy websites.
Q. I don't know how to use a computer/phone very well. Can I get assistance?
A. Our staff will do our best to talk you through things and help you learn!
We are here to assist ALL patrons however, so we can only help as time permits, and cannot use the computer for you.
If you need someone to use the computer for you, we suggest bringing a family member (See Can I Use a Computer Above)
- handle personal information, such as passwords or SSN
- assist with situations involving money, such as online purchases or credit card applications
- handle personal devices (though again, we can do our best to talk you through)
Q. I used up my three I.D. uses for the year, got a new Library card, then lost it. What are my options?
A. Upon Library card sign up and/or purchase of a replacement card, your three I.D. uses for the year refresh.
Q. Does the Library sell transfer paper?
A. Not yet, but we're looking into it. Please contact us if you have an interest.
Q. How do I sign up for a Library card?
A. Visit this page for details.
Q. Can I burn/play DVDs/CDs at the Library?
A. Our computers are equipped with disc drives that play both DVDs and CDs. If you would like to burn a disc, we have external DVD-RW drives that can be used with Library computers. You must have copyright to the files you're burning.
Q. Can I bring my own paper to print on?
A. No, we're sorry, we can only print on paper that the Library purchases and offers. We do have letter, legal, and tabloid plain paper, as well as letter sized cardstock.
Have a question you don't see here or want to submit feedback?
Fill out our form here!
Fill out our form here!